Local Government Consulting
More and more Colorado governments – towns, cities, counties and special districts – are discovering the benefits of communicating and engaging with their citizens months in advance of putting debt and tax questions before the voters.
Engaging and educating local communities about the need for tax increases and debt during spring and summer pays huge dividends during a subsequent fall campaign. Citizens’ growing concerns about inflation and recession create heightened sensitivities to new taxes, debt and higher tax rates.
Contact Sean today to learn what education, research and engagement strategies you can employ to better help your local community understand the unique revenue challenges faced by your local government.

Campaign Management
Since 1997, Sean has held leadership positions on over 60 separate campaigns of all sizes – tax increases, school bond elections, special district efforts, annexations, candidate campaigns, and regional and statewide ballot initiatives.
Sean has extensive experience as a campaign manager for several candidates – partisan and non-partisan – in jurisdictions of all sizes. Experience includes campaign management positions for mayor and city council candidates, a gubernatorial candidate, and office seekers in Colorado’s Third, Fourth and Seventh Congressional Districts.
Having served in leadership roles on behalf of dozens of issue campaigns of all sizes – including five statewide projects - Sean has created strong relationships with local elected officials, community leaders and private sector stakeholders throughout Colorado.

Community Engagement
Sean Walsh has a 25-year background building community support for controversial and high-profile land use projects – through the old-fashioned, shoe leather means of flesh and blood engagement.
The strongest, highest quality method to influence opinion and inspire action is person-to-person, eyeball-to-eyeball public engagement. Too often communications and engagement consultants rely on emails, social media and text messages to muster community support and diffuse opposition.
Conversations with stakeholders at their doors or on their phones by community influencers can be immensely helpful in circulating petitions, collecting data and general advocacy for a project.